Project 1 : Workers
| Total images: 26
| Date added: 30.07.2006
This is the first part of a six-part project which will take several years to complete: a series of portraits of workers in their workplaces in the Kirow factory, Leipzig, Germany - very simply posed and with no discussion.
They are the last of the GDR faces still at work - they are the "once were heroes" - but now without the idealistic socialist cradle. They are the past.
Project 2 : The Karl-Heine Kanal
| Total images: 68
| Date added: 31.07.2006
The Karl-Heine Canal was originally built by an industrialist, Karl Heine, in the late 19th century. Hitler attempted to connect this to other canal and river systems across Europe to create one continuous waterway for traffic from the North Sea ports of Hamburg to the Black Sea 1000s of km to the east. Today, only 2 or 3 km remain incomplete...a problem that didn´t interest the authorities in the former East Germany during the next 50 years, as they used it to dump industrial waste and left it to decay. This photographic series examines the metaphor provided by this failure, particularly "the failed and poisoned connection"...yet the water remains, toxic and dark...a witness with secrets.
The project includes collaborative work with poets David Howard and Claudia Seise.
Project 3 : The Plagwitz Landscape
| Total images: 11
| Date added: 22.07.2006
Plagwitz is a small and once intensive industrial suburb in the city of Leipzig. It is a symbol not only of the cycle of birth, and death...but of the nature of the uniquely human characteristic of ambition. The Tower of Babel is still being built, and destroyed.
Project 4 : Waitresses
| Total images: 7
| Date added: 16.04.2006
Whereas the Workers series refers to the past, the Waitresses are their counterpart, a kind of mirror of the workers...opposites in every way. These young women look at the future with a youthful, blank, and perhaps naive optimism, whereas the workers are old and hardened, and remember the past with a bitter pride. The Workers once had a clear future...promised by the workers paradisical socialist state of the former East Germany. This no longer exists for them, and the possibility that the Future now no longer exists at all is the space or void into which these waitresses find themselves staring.
Postcards from abroad
| Total images: 66
| Date added: 13.08.2006
Postcards from Abroad - Postkarten nach Übersee:
Der Neuseeländer und Fotograf Dean Nixon, der seit sechs Jahren in Leipzig lebt und arbeitet, zeigt in fünf Cafés Fotografien, die er fünf Jahre lang, zusammen mit einem kurzen Text an eine neuseeländische Fotografen-Zeitschrift sandte. Als seine Postkarten aus Leipzig.
1998, als Dean Nixon sich entschloß, aus Neuseeland nach Deutschland zu kommen, um hier eine andere Kultur zu erleben und neue Erfahrungen zu machen, war er in seinem Heimatland bereits ein bekannter Fotograf. So baten ihn die Macher der Zeitschrift "The Photographer`s Mail", aus Deutschland zu schreiben und zu berichten. Ab Januar 1999 sandte Dean Nixon monatlich die Postcards from Abroad. Dafür wählte er immer eine seiner aktuellen Fotografien aus - zu Leipzig, zu den neuen Freunden oder zu seinen neuen künstlerischen Projekten. Die Texte für seine Mitteilungen in die Heimat schrieb er meistens spät abends in einem seiner Lieblingscafés.
So authentisch, wie er sein Lebensgefühl aus Leipzig nach Neuseeland sandte - als Beobachter, als Freund, aber niemals als Journalist - so authentisch möchte er seinen Blick auf das Gastland nun auch an andere weitertragen.
Zunächst nur als Gruß nach Neuseeland gedacht, ist aus den Postcards from Abroad ein interessanter Abriß von erlebter Geschichte geworden. Dean Nixon schreibt keine romantischen Storys und auch keinen historisch geordneten Diskurs. Aber er schaut auf Leipzig und Deutschland mit dem Blick eines (zunächst) Außenstehenden und sensiblen Beobachters. Dies nachzulesen ist äußerst spannend.
New Postcards from Home - a Journey to Another Planet
| Total images: 34
| Date added: 25.07.2006
I went home after a six year absence because my father was dying.
My own daughter is the focus of the first and the last frame, completing a loop that represents the cycle of life. It was necessary to document this journey from the beginning to the end because I couldn´t predict how I would feel. Recording as much as possible with a digital camera, and in colour this time, gave me the opportunity to avoid the analysis and introspection that normally accompanies my black & white work...hopefully the results are (therefore) self-explanatory.
For me, the total experience was something very different.
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