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17 April 2006
Funny feeling to go home for a short visit after 6 years. Goodbyes with my little one at the Leipzig train station went smoothly...but then she´s too small to figure this out yet. Writing and sending from a bar inside the Frankfurt airport...a beer and a cheeseburger after a thorough inspection by security...boots x-rayed and laptop checked for explosives! 26 hours to touchdown in Auckland and straight to the cafe on the corner for a real coffee...and the strange bright light that I barely remember.
FILE ORIGINAL SIZE: 338102 bytes | DATE: 16.04.06 15:14 | CAMERA: SONY (DSC-V3) | RESOLUTION: 800 x 600 | 35mm FOCAL LENGTH: 0mm | FLASH: Flash fired, return detected | EXPOSURE TIME: 1/200 sec | METERING MODE: Multi-segment | EXPOSURE MODE: Auto exposure | APERTURE: F4 | ISO SETTING: 400