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DSC05653 (Medium)_hf DSC05746 (Medium) DSC05782 (Medium)_hf DSC05824_hnf (Medium) DSC05884 (Medium) Espresso Rakinos DSC05962_hnf (Medium) Downtown Chicks DSC06017 (Medium) DSC06142_hnf (Medium) 4.25 DSC06200_hnf_hnf (Medium) 4.26 DSC06482 (Medium)_hf
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ExhibitPlus DSC05962_hnf (Medium) Downtown Chicks 22 April 2006<br>
Not a lot happened today...just some shopping - two pairs of the best jeans in the world and a NZ rugby team shirt for my daughter. Went to the reggae party with my painter buddy, Adrian - where I discovered the stress of being a smoker in NZ these days...smoking is banned inside now, so there we all were, crammed onto a tiny about a health hazard - it's a wonder it didn't collapse and kill us all! Anyway, it was a beautiful, warm you can see.
22 April 2006
Not a lot happened today...just some shopping - two pairs of the best jeans in the world and a NZ rugby team shirt for my daughter. Went to the reggae party with my painter buddy, Adrian - where I discovered the stress of being a smoker in NZ these days...smoking is banned inside now, so there we all were, crammed onto a tiny about a health hazard - it's a wonder it didn't collapse and kill us all! Anyway, it was a beautiful, warm you can see.

FILE ORIGINAL SIZE: 49139 bytes  |  DATE: 20.04.06 12:49  |  CAMERA: SONY (DSC-V3)  |  RESOLUTION: 450 x 600  |  35mm FOCAL LENGTH: 0mm  |  FLASH: Flash fired, return detected  |  EXPOSURE TIME: 1/500 sec  |  METERING MODE: Multi-segment  |  EXPOSURE MODE: Manual exposure  |  APERTURE: F2,8  |  ISO SETTING: 400

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