Feb 2002 Hi Folks, 2002 started with more than the usual fireworks (it looks & sounds like a war here every New Yearīs Eve)...the winter snows caused plenty of problems, and the arrival of the Euro (pronounced "oiro") has generated lots of chaos both real and imaginary. For the financial types itīs about the US dollarīs power, while Josef Average ponders the loss of cultural identity. But now, a few weeks into the year, the weather has suddenly switched into Spring mode (minis and midriffs need so little encouragement here!) and euros are swapped for beers without so much as a nostalgic twinge anymore. Shopping hint for photographers travelling to Europe: Prague, and not just the view (photo ops galore)...there are a couple of shops there packed with everything photographic ever invented and still remarkably cheap. Ok, space problems and the never ending search for decent coffee prevent me from ranting about the great shows that abound, interesting photographers Iīve met and so on...maybe next time. Bis dann, Dean