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ExhibitPlus 4.29 DSC06885cc_hnf (Medium) 29 April - Mum & Dad at home<br>
The whole clan is here, my two brothers with their wives and children, and my sister with her family, to celebrate my parents 50th wedding anniversary, and to perhaps see my father for the last time. He has become very ill in the last few months with leukaemia. The doctors have allowed him out for one evening to go to dinner with the family. Here he is with my mother...discussing the menu (or was it the rugby scores?). He then went on to remind us all of the the embarrassing things each of us did as we grew up...he got a few stories a bit muddled, but his sense of humour was very much still there!
29 April - Mum & Dad at home
The whole clan is here, my two brothers with their wives and children, and my sister with her family, to celebrate my parents 50th wedding anniversary, and to perhaps see my father for the last time. He has become very ill in the last few months with leukaemia. The doctors have allowed him out for one evening to go to dinner with the family. Here he is with my mother...discussing the menu (or was it the rugby scores?). He then went on to remind us all of the the embarrassing things each of us did as we grew up...he got a few stories a bit muddled, but his sense of humour was very much still there!

FILE ORIGINAL SIZE: 95926 bytes  |  DATE: 28.04.06 07:25  |  CAMERA: SONY (DSC-V3)  |  RESOLUTION: 800 x 619  |  35mm FOCAL LENGTH: 0mm  |  FLASH: Flash did not fire, auto  |  EXPOSURE TIME: 1/8 sec  |  METERING MODE: Multi-segment  |  EXPOSURE MODE: Auto exposure  |  APERTURE: F3,2  |  ISO SETTING: 400
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