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4.25 DSC06200_hnf_hnf (Medium) 4.26 DSC06482 (Medium)_hf 4.27 DSC06676 (Medium) 4.28 DSC06780_hnf (Medium) 4.29 DSC06885cc_hnf (Medium) 4.30 DSC07019_hnf (Medium) 5.1 DSC07111_hnf (Medium) 5.2 DSC07147_hnf (Medium) 5.3 DSC07095_hnf (Medium) 5.4 DSC07183_hnf _skew_c (Medium)
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ExhibitPlus 4.30 DSC07019_hnf (Medium) 30th April, Sunday<br>
Saying goodbye to the family...some of whom I may never see again. My sister, who has the same type of leukaemia as my father, and her husband who has an inoperable brain tumour - as I left he said I should be prepared for at least two deaths in the family this year.
30th April, Sunday
Saying goodbye to the family...some of whom I may never see again. My sister, who has the same type of leukaemia as my father, and her husband who has an inoperable brain tumour - as I left he said I should be prepared for at least two deaths in the family this year.

FILE ORIGINAL SIZE: 127057 bytes  |  DATE: 29.04.06 02:18  |  CAMERA: SONY (DSC-V3)  |  RESOLUTION: 800 x 600  |  35mm FOCAL LENGTH: 0mm  |  FLASH: Flash fired, return detected  |  EXPOSURE TIME: 1/250 sec  |  METERING MODE: Multi-segment  |  EXPOSURE MODE: Auto exposure  |  APERTURE: F5,6  |  ISO SETTING: 200
4.25 DSC06200_hnf_hnf (Medium) 4.26 DSC06482 (Medium)_hf 4.27 DSC06676 (Medium) 4.28 DSC06780_hnf (Medium) 4.29 DSC06885cc_hnf (Medium) 4.30 DSC07019_hnf (Medium) 5.1 DSC07111_hnf (Medium) 5.2 DSC07147_hnf (Medium) 5.3 DSC07095_hnf (Medium) 5.4 DSC07183_hnf _skew_c (Medium)
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