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4th May, Thursday
A friend of a friend celebrated his 40th birthday at a bar downtown...we arrived a little late to find him and his mates half-cut already, so after a couple of beers we headed off to one of the cafes in "K Road" - a moderately rough-but-in area of the city. Met random people and talked about the changes in the Auckland Art School...the coffee was good! This is the view in the men's loo.
FILE ORIGINAL SIZE: 60701 bytes | DATE: 03.05.06 13:19 | CAMERA: SONY (DSC-V3) | RESOLUTION: 800 x 600 | 35mm FOCAL LENGTH: 0mm | FLASH: Flash did not fire, auto | EXPOSURE TIME: 1/15 sec | METERING MODE: Multi-segment | EXPOSURE MODE: Manual exposure | APERTURE: F2,8 | ISO SETTING: 400