Oct 1999 Dear PMers, Sleepless nights now in a borrowed darkroom and on borrowed time...the countdown to the show - deadline looming. Included was a night holding someone´s hand while a baby was born. (I should learn how to play the violin). Moved to a room in an old factory (has its advantages, e.g. incredible high pressure shower with endless hot water) and still working on the new permit to stay on here for another year. But suddenly, the pressure is off - the curator called me this morning - the exhibition is postponed until March. Hence writing this while drinking Senorio del Aguila Reserva ´92 in Barcelona, while waiting to meet Wednesday, an American photography student (blond, exponent of the plastic camera, had a hippie mother). So, all up, that means I have time to do a critical photograph for this show and get a little more sleep (I have simple needs). Germany celebrates the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Berlin Wall on the 9th of November - a special moment in history, in which Leipzig played a critical role. I remember very well marking this event in a German restaurant in Mt Eden with a few friends. Big celebrations are planned here of course. This month´s image is one from a series of five (working title "Sandra´s plans don´t work out") which is one of several recent series and part of the group show in Hungary next March. Till next time, Dean