June 1999 A long weekend and a bouncy over-night train-ride to Bratislava (NB. check your visa requirements carefully or you might be detained in a border village police station!...) Slovakia is only a short distance from Serbia. A gypsy girl is selling flowers while an anti-NATO demonstration is taking place in the square behind me, and the graffiti draws parallels between Clinton and Hitler. (I wonder about her future?) This, in stark contrast to Paris where I saw the same words on the wall, but for Milosevic. Having a war on oneŽs doorstep is a thought-provoking eye-opener...a weighty matter not lost on anyone here in Germany, but with no clear solutions yet in sight. Someone said, "The more things change, the more they remain the same." Meanwhile, I have to work on, and photograph. Summer is here, and more travelling is planned. Maybe IŽll write you something lighter about Paris next month. Dean